Eventi in primo piano

The Santa Crus di Cerveno

This religious representation of the Way of the Cross is held every ten years in the middle of May in Cerveno in Valcamonica. The Santa Crus is a folkloristic event,…

The Fair of Santi Faustino e Giovita

15 February. This, the largest and busiest fair in Brescia, is held on 15 February each year. Santi Faustino e Giovita are the patron saints of the city and many…

Carnival at Bagolino

The Bagolino festivals is celebrated on the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It is famous throughout north Italy for its music, songs, and dances which fill the village from…

Hotel Ambasciatori

Via Crocifissa di Rosa, 92 25128 Brescia 030 399114 www.ambasciatori.net L'Hotel Ambasciatori si trova in una delle più importanti zone di Brescia sul principale asse che collega il nord al centro cittadino. La posizione tranquilla…

Trattoria Pegaso

Via Tormini, 72 Gavardo Loc. Soprazocco (BS) 0365 372719 trattoriapegaso@libero.it Si trova in località Soprazocco a Gavardo, in Valle Sabbia, valle ad est di Brescia in direzione Lago di Garda.Si tratta…